Q.MACS - Quality Management Analysis Control System

Competetive welding processes from Merkle!

Merkle Q.MACS is a new software system for networksupportedmanagement and quality control of weldingprocesses to boost your productivity. Q.MACS stands forQuality, Management, Analysis and Control System.Q.MACS is suitable for manual, automated and robot weldingapplications in one or as many systems as are required. Exploitthe full optimisation potential of your welding processes: With the new Merkle Q.MACS at your side!

Using Q.MACS will help you:

  • Prepare all of your welding projects
  • Manage machinery connected to the local intranet and
    undertake real-time monitoring of welding processes
  • Evaluate welding data and produce analytical reports


  • Suitable for manual, automated and robotic welding systems
  • Connection of all welding systems and peripherals via EtherNET
  • As many welding systems as you like can be monitored from an unlimited number of work stations 
  • Client server architecture based on SQL database and LAN/WLAN with internet connection
  • Network connection of additional peripherals possible (e.g. barcode readers, component meters, input terminals)
  • The software is an attractive combination of simple and intuitive menu control and a touchscreen graphical user interface

Modules and software packages.



Q.MACS software needs to be ordered only once for each network and is available in a light or full version. The light version can be expanded to the fullversion using two upgrade modules. Any number of welding systems and workstation screens can be connected.

Q.MACS - das Software-System von Merkle.

Netztwerkgestütztes Managen, Analysieren und Kontrollieren von Schweißprozessen.

Qualität, Innovation und Zuverlässigkeit seit über 50 Jahren, dafür steht Merkle Schweißanlagen-Technik GmbH in Kötz. Ein weiterer Meilenstein der Merkle Philosophie ist das neue Software System- Merkle Q.MACS. Q.MACS steht für Quality, Management, Analysis and Control System und einer vielfachen Möglichkeit Schweißprozesse zu optimieren. Das Ergebnis aus Erfahrung, Können und Wissen ermöglichen dem Anwender zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung, Steuerung und Verbesserung der Arbeitsabläufe:

Merkle Q.MACS Control: Monitoring and managing your machinery.

The online management modulecontains all the instruments you needto control individual welding devices.All the machinery connected to thesystem is listed here and their currentstatus is displayed. Selecting amachine brings up its current settingsand all of its jobs.

  • Monitoring panel
    This displays diagrams representing the values of the monitored parameters in real time.
  • Direct control editor
    Adjustment of welding parameters for the machine selected in real time.
  • Online job management panel
    Here is where jobs are entered and transferred to the machine, and where pre-existing jobs on the machine can be edited.

The monitoring panel shows diagrams indicating the values of the parameters monitored in real time.

Online job management panel with direct control editor.

Merkle Q.MACS Management: Managing process control templates.

The management module is used tocontrol welding process settings thatare employed for the direct control ofwelding machines.

  • Joint technologies
    Determine the structure and settings forwelding a single joint. The same technologycan be used in a number of joints forvarious components.
  • Component technologies
    Contain the settings for the weldingprocesses and the component seam sets.Component seams are associated withthe appropriate technologies.
  • Welding programs
    Enable a range of welding jobs includingwelding components of various types tobe carried out on a single machine. The programs can be used for bothmanual and robot-controlled welding.
  • Planned welding jobs
    Are sets of welding jobs that are plannedfor implementation on a particular machine on a particular day or time.

All of the templates in the management module can be used multiple times!

The management module is used to control welding process settings that are subsequently used for the direct control of the welding machines.

Based on the technologies, WPS (welding Procedure Specifi cations) can be confi gured and printed.

Merkle Q.MACS Analysis: Analysis and reporting.

The analysis module provides aninterface to select and display theimplemented welding processes.

  • Data selection
    The acquired data appears on the display panel according to any pre-selected fi lter settings.
  • Presentation adaptation
    Here is where the groupings, aggregates and data displays (pivot tables or diagrams) are defined.
  • Welding analyser
    Used for detailed analysis of welding data. The analyser allows comparison of the parameter diagrams for the welding processes selected.
  • Reporting module
    Printing and storage of analytical reports in a particular file format. Adaptation of the report catalogue structures.

Use the quality management potentialof Q.MACS to manage your weldingprocesses!

The analyser module offers a user friendly interface.

The reports can be flexibly adapted according to user-defined parameters.